Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dr. ShiversTips for Healthy Skin

Keeping skin looking young and vibrant has created a billion dollar industry. People are always looking for ways to look ageless. I say that in order to do this you must remember you are what you eat. People whose diet is filled with alot of junk food and processed foods will have more trouble with there skin they age. Healthy diets equate to helthier skin. Also if you have allergies to certain food or chemicals, you will find you have more trouble with your skin. That being said below you will find some natural and simples ways to improve your skin and keep you feeling young and beautiful.

Tip 1. Drink plenty of water!!! Water helps to hydrate our skin and remove waste from your body. Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or juice of 1 lemon to your first morning glass of water before eating anything. This will help with your daily detoxification practice. Always drink at least 1 glass of water upon rising before ingsting anything else.

Tip 2. Cleansing the skin daily. It is preferable to use mild soaps than harsh chemicals and to use warm water not very hot water. I prefer natural soaps that have oils that will help kep your skin moist.

Tip 3. Moisturize skin regualarly. As you get older you will need daily moisturizers.Try using natural soaps without alot of harsh chemicals and perfumes.

Tip 4. Use sunblock when outside for long periods of time. It is more essential now than ever to protect our skin from the suns harmful rays. With the destruction of our ozone layer the sun can cause more long term damage than ever before. All skin tones need sunscreen. The sun's rays can not only cause Skin Cancer, but also

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Now we will look at problem skin and how to repair difficult problems that has already occurred.

Dry rough skin occurs as we age.It worsens in people who have over sun exposure and generally do not eat well. Daily moisturizers will help some of this. The roughness is caused by skin cells that stick together and do not slough off normally. exfoliation helps to remove this skin. Aloe vera products helps the dryness. Saffron can be ground into a paste with rosewater to rejuvenate the skin and give need nutients. Natural products that can help with exfoliation include oatmeal packs applied to the face and hands will gently remove. If you juice fresh fruits you can take the pulp of a pineapple to help remove rough spots from your skin remebering to rinse throughly afterward and apply a moisturizer.

Acne/ Blackheads/ Whiteheads are a common problem for teenagers and young adults. Women may find they have flare-ups around there menstrual cycle. Drinking vegetable juices will help eliminate some of these problems. Citrus fruits like lemon limes and orange juice applied directly to the areas will help as well. Herbs with antiseptic properties like tea tree, basil and tumeric and are wonderful for the skin.

Hyperpigmentation/agespots/mela is generally caused by overexposure to UV light and can be treated with chemical peels and topical creams. Herbs like saffron, Tumeric , Chamomile and calendula have been known to smooth out skin tones. Making a paste out of these herbs using as a pack on problem areas.

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Sagging/ fine lines and wrinkles are generally caused by lost of collagen in the dermal layer. Again hydration is important for prevention. Apple juice can be used on fine lines around the mouth strawberries will help with toning.

These are just recommendations for helping to prevent some of the common problems related to your skin and the aging process. For more persistant or more deblitating problems it is best to consult with a dermatologist.

Maintaining helathy skin is primary in helping us to continue feeling young the above steps can help you to portect and pamper your skin. Who doesn't feel better after a relaxing facial? If you don't have time to make your own preparation there are many companies that have natural products to help your skin stay beautiful. You can find them by clickin on the links below., Inc.

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